Goddess on a Mission Astrology Reading

Embody the Goddess You Were Born to Be

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All you need is already inside of you. 

I’m here to help you connect with and embody your inner magic of your feminine energy so you can live the life you came here to live.

This is where astrology and Tantra meet!

When you get to know the details of your astrological birth chart, it enlivens you and gives you greater clarity on how the sacred feminine (and masculine energies) are designed to express through you.

Getting to know your Astro love blueprint gives you access to the epic love affair within you.

Your inner feminine and masculine are by design meant to work together. When we begin to source love from within, a lot of missing pieces fall into place and our outer world shifts to reflect that.

Relationships become a lot more fun.


Your chart holds the answers…

When you embody your inner Venus you embody your unique beauty, radiance, magnetism and elixir of love.

When you use your inner Mars in service to your Venus to create safety, devotion and support, a process of deep inner alchemy occurs.

You begin to fall head over heels in love with yourself and your path.


Know thyself

Love thyself


Rock thy mission 

You’re here for a reason. You already know that. 

I’m here to hold a mirror so that you can remember your magnificence and give yourself permission to fully shine and live the life you were born to live.

 It’s all about embodiment. 
Your astrological birth chart is a golden invitation to come more fully alive.  


Goddess on a Mission Astrology Reading

is an astrology report to support you on your journey


Part One

We explore your roots. What does home feel like to you?  How can you create a solid foundation so you can thrive? Here we dive into the archetypes involved in your foundation, the roots of your well being. and how you can create more resiliency, stronger boundaries and deeper self love. We explore how you can up-level your self-care and create a deeper sense of safety in your nervous system. We also explore the innate gifts, talents, and mastery you came into this lifetime and how best to access their power this time around. 

Part two

This is all about Venus and Mars. Here we explore the great love affair within.

We’ll look at the Yin/Yang alchemical relationship between your Inner Venus and Mars and how you need to be honored in relationship. We’ll explore your unique expressions of the Goddess of Love and the Sacred Masculine.

Part three

This is all about your purpose. We’ll explore the archetypal energies involved and the directional arrow of your soul. We’ll explore strategies for synthesis, alchemy, and manifestation and how to best and most easily (and pleasurably) advance on your path by working with your sacred feminine and masculine energies.


This offer includes:

  • One pre-recorded Embodied Love Astrology Report (You’ll receive a video and audio recordings of your detailed report)

  • A PDF guide on your reading for easy access to the information

  • A guided audio meditation to connect with your Venus

  • A guided audio meditation to connect with your Mars

  • A follow up 60 minute live session with Dianne on Zoom

*Please note that I use the Whole House system so this reading may differ from other readings you’ve had using a different house system.

Price: $350 USD

Please fill out the form before purchasing your session!

Got a question? Shoot me an email: dianne@shakticore.com

  1. enter your details

2. purchase your reading


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Client love…
